
After 160,000 vouchers have been distributed, the Government of Serbia will allocate another 400,000 for holidays in Serbia.

Due to the unpredictability of the corona virus and the possibility of a new wave of epidemics in the coming months, the recommendation of the profession is not to fly outside Serbia this year. By all accounts, a large number of people will spend their holidays in our country, which is why the Government of Serbia will allocate an additional 400,000 vouchers for subsidized holidays.
Given that this action was in response to the situation caused by the coronary virus, it is considered that cities such as Belgrade and Novi Sad may be involved in the action.
A comprehensive offer of all destinations in Serbia can be found on, A portal for the electronic booking of accommodation, which also offers the possibility of booking facilities that are issued through subsidized vouchers.
# stay home # #ebookingsrbija
23 April 2020 6325 views